When our mind health starts to suffer we can experience rumination in a loop endlessly over past events. We can experience worry and anxiety about the future that fills our mind space. Or we can feel stuck in an emotion that feels just too hard to shift.
There are certain times in life where our mind health needs a little more TLC right? Grief, loss, times of depletion, times of uncertainty or stress. All of these experiences take their toll on our mind health.
When our mind health starts to suffer we can experience rumination in a loop endlessly over past events. We can experience worry and anxiety about the future that fills our mind space. Or we can feel stuck in an emotion that feels just too hard to shift.
Let’s explore my favourite tips to help your with your mind health during times of depletion. This is not designed or intended to replace professional care or medication. BUT, a bit like brushing your teeth between dental visits, there are some easy essential steps that YOU need to take.
Take care of the basics
Good quality sleep. This means, switch off screens 30 mins before bed, no caffeine after lunch, limit your alcohol intake (which affects your sleep health) and choose a regular sleep and waking time
Water and nutrition. Protein and greens with every meal and limit sugar and processed foods
Move your body. 30 mins a day! Dance, run, walk, stretch- you choose but your brain and body need movement to be healthy!
Ask good questions
Too often we get stuck asking ‘’why is my life so crap right now?” This soon results in a lopsided perception of all of the disasters coming your way without seeing all sides. A healthy brain loves to see all sides. Start asking these questions:
What am I certain about? Our mind health can struggle in periods of uncertainty. Whether it’s your relationship, your work, your health that is uncertain- asking yourself ‘where do I have some certainty?’ can help your brain start to see all sides and calm the stress response.
What do I trust? Fear is another trigger for the brain to start becoming stressed and reactive. Fear and trust have a hard time co-existing! So ask yourself- what do I trust? Whether its I trust the sun will rise, that I’ll have another idea, that I’ve solved problems in the past, the love of my family/friends/pets, in something higher.
How is this steering me to become the person I need to be? How is this benefitting or helping me? Can help us see some of the good that can unfold.
What would the voice of kindness and encouragement have to say? Too often we listen to the voice of resentment, anger or worry in a loop. What about the voice of courage? Or kindness?
Develop good habits
Simple mind health habits ensure we have a better chance of keeping a healthy mind. These include
Short moments of mindfulness each day. Stop scrolling. Switch off the screens. Savour your food, watch a sunset, listen to a bird, breathe. Mindfulness is a moment of awareness of the present moment, without constantly ping-ponging from past regrets to future fears. These short moments of mindfulness throughout the day are a great way of maintaining a healthy mind
Meditation practice. There are many types, but mindfulness meditation for even 5-10 mins a day can help. Like to learn more? Click here
Time out, relax. Do something your love, have a bath, paint, sing, play music.
Press pause before you act– means the slightly slower but wiser executive centre in your brain has a chance to calmly catch up and see all sides, before you do something you regret!
Nature time! Lie in grass, walk in the bush, hike up a mountain, ride by a lake, stroll on the beach, star gazing, cloud watching. You choose! It’s great for your mind health.
Get social. Too often when we are struggling with our mind health we can start to feel unseen, unheard or misunderstood. This generates a feeling of isolation and this only cascades the problem. Keeping social connections helps!
I hope this gives YOU the simple steps you need to help your mind health. Lots of love Niky 🦋
Like to learn more about developing resilience through life challenges?
Niky offer’s her Rise UP program for women online as well as her within her four day Rise UP retreat.